I didn't follow the rules last month for NaBloPoMo. There is a prompt given everyday on the site, and I did not check the prompt even once last month. Since I've committed to doing it again for December (Thank you, 3 week Christmas break!) I figured I'd try and do it right this time. So, here goes...
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
If you could stop your body from aging at any point in your life, what age would you want to stay at and why?
Wow, this is a really tough question. I've been overweight pretty much my entire life. I've had a few 'moments' when I was in better shape than others, but mostly, I've been out of shape. Well, actually, 'round' is a shape, isn't it?
Between my wedding (Jan. 19, 1991) and my sister's wedding (Oct. 3, 1992) I managed to lose about 80lbs. Actually, it was from Sept. 91-Oct. 92. I was going to Jenny Craig (which I would do again in a heartbeat, if I could afford it. LOVED IT!) and started working out regularly. Funny little side story - my sister asked me to sign up for a step aerobics class with her (hey, it was the early 90s, what can I say!), because she wanted to tone up a little before her wedding. Now, my sister has ALWAYS been tall, thin, gorgeous...everything I'm NOT! But, after the very first class, she decided it just wasn't for her, and never went back! I, however, finished the whole class (I think it was 8 weeks?). In addition to the once a week at the class, I was doing it everyday at home, thanks to a generous neighbor who heard I signed up for the class, and gave me some brand-new step equipment and a videotape. I was seriously addicted.
By the time my sister's wedding came along, I was down to a comfortable size 8 (from a tight 22!) and I was buff! I had never been so toned. The day of the wedding, I stood in the receiving line, next to my sister, and people in our own family were asking her who her maid of honor was, because they didn't recognize me. Cool, right?
Where the hell was I going with all this? Oh, yeah, If you could stop your body from aging at any point in your life, what age would you want to stay at and why? I suppose I'd have to say 24 (well, technically, 24 1/2. hahaha!) since that's how old I was when my sister got married. She got married Oct. 3, and I got pregnant Feb. 18. (Yes, I DO know the exact moment Stud was conceived, as he could not have been more planned.) I was able to maintain for quite awhile, as I didn't tell my job I was pregnant until I entered my 6th month of pregnancy. However, once the cat was out of the bag, all hell broke loose. I ended up gaining a total of 55 lbs during my pregnancy. It's been a roller coaster ride ever since.
Wow, I still don't think I did this right. I'm sure I wasn't supposed to go off on a tangent like that. See, I'm STILL boring you to death!
Weight is just a number
2 hours ago
au contraire Chi-Chi, defnitely NOT boring and I thought it was great that you managed to lose 80lbs. I did Jenny Craig once too and lost about 30lbs but I didn't keep it up.
The thing about Nablo whatsit I don't get the dumb prompts. What's the point of them telling you what to write about? I don't think I like that idea.
but we shall see....
I loved this post. Not boring at all. I never manage to keep to diets, a life with no chocolate is no life at all as far as I'm concerned. I've heard Jenny Craig is good, though. Can't wait to see what tomorrow's prompt will be.
aww sistah, you posts are never boring! well, cept for that one time.... KIDDING! lmao
you are so freekin cute awaiting the snow like a puppy awaaits a treat! i adore how you love your snow!!! just sit back and be patient now, the good stuff will be coming any time now.. i watched all your videos and such and i was laughing at the "few" flakes on your dumpster... lol...
i have alwaays had a problem with my weight too... i feel ya, sistah..
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