I spent the day cleaning the basement. Wait, let me rephrase that. I spent the day de-cluttering the basement. I bagged up several bags of clothes that don't fit Stud anymore. I also did about 4 loads of laundry that was sitting in the laundry room from about half a year ago. Pathetic, right? I had a couple of baskets of stuff I had washed, dried and folded at the end of winter, but then never took them out of the laundry room, since they were 'out of season.'
I straightened out Stud's room, but only a little. I told him he had to have that room cleaned before the party starts tomorrow. Yeah, I don't think that's gonna happen. He ended up spending the night at his buddy's.
I managed to completely clear off the island, which hasn't happened in a very long time. To be honest, what sparked this need to clear the clutter is the fact that my friend, 8741, will be coming to my house for the first time to attend the PC party tomorrow. My other friends already know I'm a total pack rat, and a bit of a slob, but I didn't want her to go running out of my house, screaming, so I thought I'd pick up a bit.
I also made a cake for tomorrow that is a Pampered Chef recipe. We were going to do it as part of the demonstration, but unfortunately, the cake needs to chill for at least 6 hours. I decided I would make one the night before, and then we could put a second one together at the show. But, then I realized that the second cake would be left here, and we couldn't have that! So, I told my friend I would just make it tonight, and she could just talk about how to make it.
This is the picture of the cake from the Pampered Chef catalog.

Here's my version:
For now, I'm gonna hit the sack. I took some other pictures of what I set up tonight, but I don't have the energy to deal with Blogger right now.

of course i miss you chichi when you arent aroundeth... u should know dat by now, meow...
i think your cake looks perdy good, i bet it will even taste better. when i was at jo's on vay cay a few munts ago, she had a PC party for her daughter who lives in flo-rida.. so both parties skyped and it was perdy cool. of course i couldnt afford to buy nuttin, but jo gave me a few stuffs. i love that stuff but i find it spensive...
have fun at yo par-tay, sistah! i hope for a great turn out and lots of sales for yee.
my word ver. is "atiorsa"... isnt that italian for my big toe is hairy?
It looks fantastic! Have fun and make lots of $$$ at your party.
Where do you get all that energy? Wow, you know how to get it done eh? Enjoy the party and the cake looks great. :-)
I think your version looks just fine. Plus it's going to be eaten, right? Why redo it I say.
I think your cake looks really good- and very delicious
Fantastic decorating~ I wish I can decorate my cakes like that.
Good hell, I think that the cake looks great. I wouldn't even have attempted that.
Your version is AMAZING.
I love that you have parties. :)
I wanna go to one. and soon.
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