I just got back from my cousin's get-together, and I'm pretty exhausted. I left around the same time as my parents to go to the party. Literally as I was parking in front of my cousin's house, my cell phone rang, and it was my dad. He had a blow-out on the expressway. I immediately turned my car around and started driving back. Because of the way the exits are, I had to drive almost all the way back to where I started before I could turn around and go back to where my parents were. By the time I got there, a state trooper had stopped to see if everything was ok. The plan originally was for me to just come and get my mom, as my dad had also called my brother, who was going to come and help my dad change the tire. The trooper told me that he had called a 'help truck' and that it should be there soon. My brother pulled up behind me about 5 minutes after I got there. I snatched up my mom and left. I just now realized I didn't even ask my dad if that truck ever showed up. After the tire was changed, my dad drove all the way home to switch cars, since he didn't want to drive on the donut.
The party was nice. LOTS of food, lots of good company. My cousin's boyfriend bought this house as a rehab project that he intended to sell. It's finally finished, so they hosted Thanksgiving for their families on Thursday, and now they had this open house today. They are actually considering moving into the house. They currently live in a very posh condo on the lake, on the very far north side. The condo also has a mortgage, which this house doesn't. They're thinking of selling the condo, and living in the house for a few years to save up some money. Sounds like a plan to me! The only downside is that my cousin works downtown, so the commute would kinda suck from Indiana. He would take the train, for sure, so it wouldn't be completely impossible, but still. I actually was able to make it to the house in Indiana in less time than it ever took me to get to their condo! No bumper-to-bumper city traffic to contend with is definitely a plus!!
I'm far too tired to really write anything else right now. I hope you all have had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend so far. I'm looking forward to spending tomorrow putting up the Christmas decorations. Have you put yours up yet?
When You’re A Rude Jerk, Your Problems Will Multiply
59 minutes ago
Cheech: there's never a dull moment in your life is there? What a carry on.
I hope you have a more relaxing day today with Christmas music in the background as you put up your decorations. Enjoy.
Ohhhh....at least there was good food! I hate flat tires...I've done my share of rescues too...always makes for an adventure!
Car troubles are never fun....
glad the get together was though.
Sounds like an exciting time for your cousin and the tire changing brigade!!
We have not put our Christmas tree up yet. We get a real tree so have to wait a little bit yet!
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