After the dance, we all came back here to my house, and the kids just hung out. The girls put on some of my son's sweats and they all just kicked back. Another one of his friends came by with his cousin, and of course all the parents were here, as well. We had such a great night! Actually, while the kids were all at the dance, the parents all went to check out the bar. They loved it (Naturally!) and are already planning another "Parents' Night Out" at the bar.
The plan was to build a fire and make s'mores, but by the time the dance ended and we got home, it was too cold for the girls to stay outside. I think the temp dropped to the low 50s, maybe even the high 40s. No worries, they had just as much fun in the basement. I ended up putting some pizzas in the oven at about midnight, so they were happy! I think they all wanted to turn the night into a sleep-over, but the parents had had enough. I'm sure it had nothing to do with all the martinis that were consumed ;-)
So, my baby (and I!) survived his first Homecoming Dance! Yay!! There was one black spot, however. His father (aka the Cocksucking Jagoff!!) decided to show up at my son's friend's house when we were taking pictures, so that he could take some as well, and see the kids. I know, I know, what's the problem, right? Well, for starters, I want him to drop dead. Second, he's never been involved in ANYTHING my son has done for the past 15 years. So why the sudden interest? Is it because it gave him the opportunity to show off his new wedding band, which was prominently displayed on his ring finger? (Ask me how often he wore "my" wedding band. Go 'head. Let's see, all combined, including our reception, about 18 hours in 17 years!!) Or, even worse, was it because he saw this as some weird rite of passage? My son is becoming a man, so I'd should be there. God forbid!!! I will NOT allow my son to follow in THOSE footsteps, come hell or high water. Jeez, I feel a major rant coming on, so I'll just move on.
Since this will NEVER happen again, I'll leave you with one more little "treat." Enjoy! tee hee! (You're lucky I was having a good hair day! haha!)

I LOVE the pictures!!! So cute.
And I'm so glad you had a nice time to make up for your Friday. Sounds like Parents Night Out needs to happen way more often.
Your son looks a lot like you. You can clearly see the resemblance in the picture of the two of you.
HEY!!! I can see your face!!!! Now I know what I'm looking for when we visit!!! :-) Good pics too of your son and his friends...
What an adorable picture of you and your son! That's the type of camaraderie I crave for my Turkeys. We'll get there! Thank you for the sweet comment. It means a lot to know there are 'others' out there!
The pictures are awesome. He is so handsome (love the braces) and the girls are so cute. :) Glad that they had a good time. You look adorable too, very happy. Sorry the idiot had to put a damper on the night....he sure knows how to get to you.
Keep that chin up....at least you don't have to take care of that big booger anymore.
SO precious! I miss you both! :( How 'bout a visit to IA for Columbus Day weekend?
Awww..so cute. I'm glad my kids aren't at this age yet though! They're enough to handle now without having to worry about dances.
Your son is so handsome! And I love your picture, so just knock it off. ;) The idea of parents night at the bar...I may need to find a bar here...LOL
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