(You should be able to click on this to enlarge it.)
I think I should make copies of this and put it in all the mailboxes at school. There are a few staff members who should post this in their rooms, where they can see it everyday. Just sayin....
Are you all OK?
57 minutes ago
Ohmygosh...how heartbreaking.
My girls each have a few teachers this year that they feel really does not care to be at the school.
It makes me kinda sad for them....
I explained to them that some people just don't like their job and hopefully that teacher will find some joy in their work one day.
Sadly there are a few teachers that this applies to. Fortunately, I believe that it is only a few. But it only takes a few to give a school a bad name.
How often do other teachers step in to stop a bad teacher from tarnishing all of their reputations?
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