I know I said I'd be back Monday. But there's been a lot of craziness going on around here. Before I get into that, let me just say, last weekend was wonderful!
Ooo, wait, I have to tell you something. I FINALLY took the plunge (at the urging of many readers [Hi, Karen!]) and came up with a new name for CSJ. For those of you who are new around here, CSJ=CockSucking Jagoff. That was my affectionate pet name for him back when I started this little blog, and I hated his guts. Now, for the rest of the story of how we got to the point we're at now, you'll have to go back through the archives, cuz ain't nobody got time for that!
Where was I going with this? Oh, yeah, his new name! I've decided that from now on, I will be referring to him as Magnum, as in Magnum P.I., since that's his job, too. I don't know why it took me two years to finally come up with that. I tried working with CSJ, and figuring out what else it could mean (Cute Stupid Jerk, Cuddly Silly Joker, um...yeah, see why that didn't work!?) but I had no luck.
So, Magnum it is!
Ok, back to this past weekend. In the windup, I didn't just sit at the hotel all day while Magnum was working. I actually went with him. I won't bore you with the minutiae of work stuff, but I will tell you that we spent about 60+ hours STRAIGHT together. That hasn't happened since our honeymoon, over 21 years ago! Even back during the "good ol' days," we still both had to go to work, so we spent some time apart each day. But, since I went to work with him this weekend, we were glued at the hip all weekend. I was actually able to help him, which was kinda cool. Oo, and as part of our "cover" we went to a few garage sales, and I found an awesome high chair for my Monkey for only FIVE DOLLARS!
But, I digress. The point of this boring story is that we had a WONDERFUL weekend. It was like we went back in time almost 30 years, back when we first met. Even though I was a little nervous about leaving our "baby" home alone for the first time ever, it was nice to just be "us" again (as opposed to Stud's parents, ya know?). Despite the long work hours, the weekend was really relaxing (at least for me!) and I thoroughly enjoyed our time together. I like to think Magnum did, too.
So, back to why I didn't check back in with you on Monday. Monday morning, he left at the crack of dawn, as always, for work. About 10:30 am, he walked back in the door, with a giant shit-eatin' grin on his face. He said, "So,do you want the good news?" Um...yeah....? "I just got fired!" WTF?!?!
I thought I was going to pass out. My heart started pounding, and my head started swimming. I seriously thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown. Now we're BOTH unemployed?!?!?
But, I gotta tell ya, he could NOT be happier. Like I said, he had a giant smile on his face. He just keeps saying this is a blessing, and that God has a plan for him. I'm hoping the plan involves this job he interviewed for last week. He just keeps saying, over and over, "I'm free!" And, trust me, you guys know I understand that feeling better than anyone. It's exactly how I felt when my position was closed. But still....SHIT! Neither one of us has a job now!!
I'm not nearly as freaked out today as I was on Monday. I couldn't even check in with you guys on Monday because I thought I was going to have a stroke. Now that it's been 4 days, I'm much more calm. Don't get me wrong, I'm still stressed and worried, but I'm not on the verge of cardiac arrest like I was a few days ago.
This has definitely put a kink into my plans, though. I spent all day Monday on the CPS website, looking for positions. I had resigned myself to the fact that I was going to have to go back to the ghetto. I'm not feeling quite that desperate today, but I think I don't have much of a choice - I'm going to have to go back to work. Unless of course, he gets that job. So, by all means, step up those prayers!
There are a few new options I'm toying with, but I'll save that for another day. This has dragged on far too long already. I'll be back to give you a little more scoop. In the meantime, I'll take all the prayers, positive thoughts, good vibrations, etc., that you can send.
Am I the only one?
50 minutes ago
Now that I know what CSJ stands for I'm totally glad you changed it! :)
Much luck in finding a new job quickly!!
I like the name "Magnum" a lot better than "CSJ." I love his faith - it will lead him in the right direction! Now we just need some faith for the right thing for you, too, Missy. ;) God bless you and your entire family/household.
I've been wondering when you were going to change that! LOL! But Magnum...has me thinking of something entirely different. ; ) LOL!
It's gonna be ok. I don't know how, but it will.
I am so going to go back and read... sounds like you and CSJ/Magnum have quite a history!
SEnding prayers that you both find something new soon!
I'm feeling positive that THE job will come through for him!!!
Do you HAVE to go back TO the ghetto though??? In the meantime do you think you could find a job that is not in the school system?? I know it is what you 'know' but you might be happier doing something less stressful.
Sending up prayers!
So, how is Magnum's 'stache coming in? Super-Thick I hope!
I think Magnum is a MUCH better name. I hope you don't have to go back to work!
I'm sure something will turn up for him and very soon. Fingers, toes crossed. Prayers and Novenas. Lighting a candle. x
Yes, Magnum is much better!!
Lisa, I am so sorry to hear that Magnum lost his job. It must be very scary indeed! Now you both will have to band together and come up with something that you both can live with. Good luck and breathe deeply when you feel like screaming....better yet, just scream your head off!!
Thanks for dropping by today and the encouragement, Lisa.
cheech! OMG i had NO idea you got layed off! WTF is wrong with this world anyways... awww, i'm so sorry honey. but trust me, everything happens for a reason and i have all the faith in the world something will come your way that you will enjoy!
i understand hard times, please dont worry about donating anymore, i totally understand and if i could i would be helping you!!! no lie!!!!!!
i like magnum.
you DO know that name suggests a hint of a very large penis, now doncha? lmfao!!!
i'm sorry about mag's job loss too. i will say prayers that he gets the job he applied for!
I just watched that video you linked to! IT'S HILARIOUS! love it.
I honestly think that things are going to get soooo much better for you. I'm psychic. ;)
I got a weird pop up when I clicked over here saying there's content on your blog from my happy rainbow (?) that may harm my computer. Just a heads-up...
Anyway. WOW what is up with this year??? I hope he's right and everything is going to end up better than ever!
So how are things going with Magnum?
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