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Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Tuesday, February 5, 2013
How old were you the first time you fell in love?

Well, let's see.  Those of you who have been around a while know that before Magnum came around, I was madly in love with BH.  I really don't think the feeling was completely mutual, though, so does that count as "falling in love?"  Yeah, I guess so, since I felt it, right?  But, to answer the prompt, I guess I was about 14.

Of course, I managed to eventually fall in love with Magnum.  By then, I was 17.  Jeez, 17?!?!  What the hell do 17 year-olds know about love?!  Then again, here we are 27 years later, and I'm still in love, so maybe I was on to something...

But, without a doubt, when I REALLY fell in love, and I mean fell HARD, in full, unconditional, pure, blissful love was the moment Stud was born.  I was 25.

Cliche, cheesy, corny, call it what you want, it's the truth.  I love that boy with every single fiber of my being, as I know all of you love your children.  Is there any greater love?  I think not.


Cyndy Bush said...

Yep - I never knew what REAL love was until I gave birth to my first child. I love all 3 of my kids equally but differently, and the bond I have with my first, my only son, is indescribable.
But I did love my kids' jerk daddy a helluva lot. I never loved husband #2 nearly as much. Hunter - I love MORE.

Mike said...


Busy Bee Suz said...

Ditto. Kids steal our hearts. Damn little hairy theives. :)

joe said...

I was 10.
It wasn't mutual.
At all.

Melanie said...
