Sometimes I HATE Blogger, I’ve tried 6 times to post this comment on your blog,about your situation. Hopefully you will get this.
Just a couple of comments. I would NOT spend my two days getting the room ready, you NEED a break, go get a spa treatment or something instead. You’ve taught long enough to be able to deal with the first couple of weeks with things “messed up”. And you didn’t create the problem. They aren’t paying you to spend YOUR time doing it, unless things are a lot different in Chicago than here, and I doubt it.
Second, if there truly is nothing you can do about it, then you have choices, will you let it mess up who you are and how you do your job. As much as you hate being forced out of your comfort zone, you might actually like first grade. Almost every teacher I know that has moved that way has liked it. The kids are developmentally able to do more. Plus, if you are truly looping, then you should have most of your own kids, and you prepared them, you will start off faster and better with them than someone else.
We've all said it before - blogging is cheaper than therapy. One of my favorite things about the Blogosphere is that it expands your circle of friends, exponentially, through the wonders of modern technology.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Reason #237 Why I Love My Bloggy Buddies
Friday, July 30, 2010
What WILL I do with myself?
OK, I'm being slightly cranky about the whole thing (how shocking!) and truthfully, we don't officially go back to work until Wednesday, but I'm going to have to go in to school Monday and Tuesday to set up my classroom. Way back on June 16 I posted this. That was the day that I met with New Principal for my evaluation meeting. It's been about a month and half, and I'm still too pissed to properly post about it. However, I will share that part of what has me soooo pissed is that she told me in that meeting that I will be looping with my class to 1st grade. read that right. FUCKING FIRST GRADE!!!!!!!!!! I'm a KINDERGARTEN teacher, NOT a first grade teacher! Argh!! I have been crying about this for over 7 weeks now.
And, in addition to changing grades, she wants me to move to a new room, across the damn hall, which means I have to first clean out the other room, which is NO small task! Bestest Friend came to school with me last Friday to help me, and it was just unbelievable. Perhaps she'll give you her own version of the day in the comment section. Then, I have to pack up and move all my things across the hall. I have been in this room for nearly a decade. Most of you know what pack-rats teachers tend to be, so imagine what a daunting task this is going to be. I'm thinking that, hell, if I have to pack up all my stuff anyway, I might as well put it in my car and bring it home!
Ok, I literally feel my blood pressure rising, and a slew of 'fucks' coming to the surface, so I think it's best I go for now. On my drive home, I did toy with the idea of just saying "Fuck it!" and NOT go in to school until Wednesday. If my room gets done, it gets done. If not, oh well!!! I'm giving some serious thought to just enjoying the ONLY two days I will have had off for the summer. I'll keep you posted....
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Am I really that naive?
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tiffany Week continues...
I just read through my favorite teacher blogs, and I see two others have posted the same article today!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Thanks, Tiff!
For my teacher friends...
Now THAT'S funny...
(for some reason I couldn't link directly to the post I wanted, so just be sure you check out the 7/26 post about 'twins.')
Friday, July 23, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Pledge Now

It seems that for every pledge they get, more funding becomes available. To tell the truth, I didn't really read the email very carefully, so I'm not too clear on the details. I just clicked the "pledge" button, then the "post to my blog" button, and called it a day. I suppose I should go back and read it, huh? I do know, however, that you don't have to do anything other than click on the "pledge" button to help, so what the hell, why not do it? And, don't worry, I won't forget to let you know when my proposals are posted so you can make a generous donation! ;-)
Ok, holy crap, I just watched the trailer for the movie, and I can not WAIT for this to come out! Do yourself a favor and watch the trailer, especially all my teacher friends. This looks like it's going to be awesome!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Aw, what the crap!?
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
I forgot to share this...
I'm terrified of monsters. Please help.
It made me laugh out loud, and I was actually really proud of this particular baby, as this was a pretty impressive sentence. However, given that this child is about to enter 2nd grade in 2 weeks, you can see why she's in the summer program. :(
But, I quickly pointed out to my dear daddy that at least my mistake wasn't as bad as his last year. You may remember that he FORGOT TO COME HOME! I called the morning he was supposed to leave to see if he got off to the airport alright, and my mother tells me he's standing outside talking to the neighbor. WTH? Yeah, he thought he was leaving the next day. So, at least I see where I get my Dork Gene from! And, I don't care, cuz my daddy rocks!!
And, the best part of this whole story....MY DADDY WILL BE HOME TOMORROW!!!!! WOO HOO!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Oops, I did it again....
This one is really great, and reminds of my obsession with SNC, who by the way, Bestest Friend and I will be going to see at the Chicago Theater in December. Woo Hoo!!
Stop, thief!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Email of the Day

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Do you Facebook?
Mommies' Turn!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
I Heart Chicago
Then, as I was getting on the on-ramp for I55, I suddenly saw one of my favorite views of my beautiful city. Yes, yes, yes, I was taking pictures while driving again. So sue me! I did it for you, my Bloggy Buddies, cuz look at this!
I took my boys to Navy Pier yesterday, and actually had a really nice afternoon. We went to see friends of mine, whose band played in the beer garden. On the way home, they were acting like their usual dorky selves, so I thought I'd take a little blackmail footage. I don't know if you can tell, but there was a monsoon going on outside the car. Yes, very irresponsible of me, I know, to film while driving in the pouring rain. But, I really just pointed the camera in their general directions, and kept my eyes on the road, I swear! Let me just tell you now, that unless you have about 3 minutes of spare time you don't mind losing, don't feel obligated to click on this! ;-)
The adorable fellow in the backseat with the beanie on actually danced with me during the show. How cute is he!? You probably recognize the other backseat passenger as Stud's best friend.
I uploaded everything on my camera to my computer (finally!), so be prepared for some new pictures. Don't say I didn't warn you. ;-)
Friday, July 9, 2010
This week in WTF?
This one's caption just said, "A true WTF." They weren't kidding...
Seriously?! UGH! Ok, this one won't embed, so you'll have to click the link.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
I'm gonna need a nap...
Monday, July 5, 2010
F#@&%$ Squirrels!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Happy 4th of July!
Oh my holy hell!!!
Those are the initials of Stud's bestest friend. And, I LOVE THAT BOY!!!
I may or may not have posted a few months back about my laptop taking a dump. First, I kept getting an error message upon start up that said I needed to replace my hard drive, as "a failure is imminent." Then, about 2 weeks later, I picked up a virus! I couldn't do anything at all with it. I was going to have it looked at and fixed, and long story short, my brother bought me a new computer, which I've been using ever since. However, I still missed my "real" computer a lot. It had all my "stuff" on it, plus I knew my way around it better (obviously, since I've had it for years.)
Ok, I hear you...what the hell's your point, woman!? Well, Stud and I were talking about how nice it would be to have a second laptop to use down in the basement, blah, blah, blah. I was saying that I needed to make some phone calls next week to find out about getting my old laptop fixed, and he chimes in with, "I bet S could fix it." WHAT?!?! Does he know how to fix viruses?! "Yeah, he's had to fix their computer about 15 times because M (the little brother) keeps downloading viruses."
Well, flash forward to this morning. I sent S a text, saying I hear he's a computer genius, and is there any chance he'd like to attempt to fix my computer. He says sure. Long story short (yeah, I know, too late!), I pick him up at his dad's and bring him over. I have no clue what the hell he did, but about an hour and half later, here I am! Posting from my old computer!!!! Woo-freakin'-hoo!!! You have no idea how happy this makes me! S is pretty happy, too, since, naturally, I paid him for his troubles. He immediately tried to give it back, but I wouldn't hear of it. What I gave him is literally a fraction of what it would have cost for someone else to just LOOK at, not even fix, it. I was MORE than happy to do it. He also said that he knows how to fix my hard drive, so next week, we'll be shopping for one. Have I told you yet how much I LOVE this boy!?
Productive morning...
Ok, time to call Italy to talk to la familia. I need to wish them, AND YOU, a Happy 4th of July!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Glorious morning....
(I think it's time to make a ticker for that...)