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Monday, November 2, 2009

Fun Fact

The Chicago Sun Times recently ran an article about the rankings of the public schools in Chicago, and the entire state of Illinois. Out of the 2205 school that were ranked, guess where the Hell-Hole came in? G'head, guess. 2199!!! Well, at least there are 6 schools that are worst than we are. That actually kinda scares me....I wonder where they are...


Laura said...

It sounds like you either need a new job or a new mission-- hope your principal has some big ideas for change...

Pissedoffteacher said...

I think those rating systems are full of doo doo. My school is one of the top ones in the city and while it is good, that is scary also knowing what I know about it.

Our principal is buddy buddy with the mayor--I wonder if that affects our ratings as well.

Little Chef On The Prairie said...

Love your heart!!!

There was a big article about our school in a local magazine's "schools" issue. The article was awesome....THEN, they list the schools by academic performance (which we have made huge gains), but we LED THE STATE for number of suspensions! :)

Busy Bee Suz said...

WOW. Not good. Or maybe it is good?

Me said...

Oh no!!!!

You know, that whole ranking system seems all screwed up to me really...

The school my kids go to is not high in the ranks and I've even thought of open enrolling them into a different school BUT as I've been a part of their school lives I've realized that it's not the teachers or the kids, it's mostly the parents of children that make this an issue... lack of involvement, lack of homework help, etc...

It also sucks that public schools are so mixed up with politics and funding... Zak's school LAST year was behind in reading, so they dedicated something like 2 hours of the day JUST to reading... well... this year, reading scores went UP! BUUUUUTTTT.... math scores went down, so the school LOST some funding! NOW this year... they spend 90 minutes a day on math and have pushed reading aside... It floors me that with in one year I saw a whole curriculum CHANGE based off one test and lack of funding from the state... It actually pisses me off and makes me sad...

and it most definitely is NOT the teacher's fault!
