The other day, my (ex) sister-in-law emailed me and asked if I would do her a favor. She has a friend who needed to interview a teacher for an assignment (her friend is attending DePaul, and wants to be a school counselor) Naturally, I said of course I would do it. The friend emailed me, introduced herself, and sent a consent form that I needed to sign and send back. Then we set up a time to do the interview over the phone. She called that night, we had a delightful conversation (she's very nice!) and the interview took less than 15 minutes, start to finish, even with the "chatting" we did in between questions. It really was no big deal, but, of course, she thanked me profusely, and I told her to feel free to call anytime if she needed anything else.
Yesterday, I got another email from my SIL letting me know that "something" was coming my way because she wanted to thank me for helping her friend. Oh, and that she slipped a little something in there for her favorite nephew, too. I emailed her back, telling her that was so completely unnecessary, but she had already sent it.
I just went out to get my mail, and found a package in my mailbox. Man, she works fast! This is what was in there for me:

And this is what she sent Stud Muffin:

It made me laugh out loud. It's such a sweet thing that she did, but she has NO idea what a little Stud Muffin he really is. She still thinks of him as the sweet little boy she used to hug and kiss, and take to work with her every year. (Ok, admittedly, I have the same problem. CSJ and I had a delightful fight this morning about exactly the same thing. But that's another post...) I hope Stud Muffin appreciates the gesture, nonetheless.
Well, I'm off to write my thank you note, you know, for the thank you note.... sigh...I hope we don't get stuck in some weird vicious circle...
Anyone who sends Godiva is great in my book!
Such a nice gesture...but of course YOU deserve it for being nice in the first place!!!
Oh, please tell us how that Last Lecture book goes. I picked it up at Target, but then put it down thinking that maybe it'd be too heavy for me right now. When you read it, please post about it!!!
Ha ha ha!! I'm laughing at the "How to Talk to Girls" book... does she know it's written by, like, an 8 year old boy? Isn't YOUR boy already the smooth talker with the girls? (I think our boys are already WELL past this book... in fact, they could probably write the sequel!!)
But hey - the chocolates and the Randy Pausch book are GREAT! I would devour BOTH of those (literally and figuratively!!)
see, you have good karma. that's what happens to people like you.
i just read these blogs backwards and now i see what the dog ate.
Mmmmm chocolate
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