Thanksgiving has always been right at the top of my list of favorite holidays, even as a kid. It was right up there with Christmas and my birthday. As I got older, it moved it's way up the list. If you're a pretty regular reader here, you may remember that I met CSJ on Thanksgiving. Naturally, in the beginning, that only made me love Thanksgiving even more. We always celebrated our "anniversary" in the best way - with family. When things started going south, about 10 years later, Thanksgiving started to be really hard to handle. I know it's stupid to let him ruin Thanksgiving for me. I still have my family, my wonderful son, many, many things to be thankful for, I know all that. But I let myself "waste" almost 10 Thanksgivings dwelling on what used to be. How stupid! The past few years, things have gotten back on track, and I'm finally able to truly enjoy Thanksgiving for all it's worth. I love my family, and I love spending the holiday with them. I can now truly focus on all I have to be thankful for without letting that depression creep in and ruin things. Don't get me wrong, I still think about what used to be (obviously, or I wouldn't be writing this post!) but I don't let it ruin my day like it used to. It still makes me sad, but more for CSJ, because HE'S the one missing out. As we say in our class, "Too bad, so sad!"
I had a few more things I wanted to share about my babies, but I need to start getting dressed. I worked at the bar last night, and it was CRAZY!! It was the highest register ring we've EVER had! After cleaning, stocking, getting breakfast, and driving home, it was after 6 am before I got to bed. Then that stupid dog of mine woke me up at 10:30! I tried to go back to sleep, but gave up at 11, and got up and started cooking and baking the things I need to take to my mom's for dinner. Hopefully I'll be able to catch a little nap after dinner :)
Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends, "real" and bloggy :) I hope you have a day filled with love, family, good food and blessings.
Just Another Fae In Retail
15 minutes ago
I am glad you are starting to get some NEW Thanksgiving memories..that is what you have to do.
I hope you had a great day with your family...oh, and the biggest day as far as the wonderful.
take care,
happy thanksgiving!!!
If it makes you feel better... some of my friends started texting at 7 am...
Think about it.. i cant believe theres actually a SEVEN AM...
well it's a day late but Happy Thanksgiving for yesterday...
hope it was all you wanted it to be.
we had NO turkey. bah. have to wait for Christmas.
Happy Thanksgiving lovely lady!! I hope this one was another favorite day for you :-)
I hope you had a lovely day & got plenty of rest. These X's don't know what they're missing...
Happy Thursday After Thanksgiving! I thought of you and Ms. M. and meant to call you both, but as you know, didn't! Miss you tons though.
P.S. I blogged for your reading pleasure. And it is more than a one-liner. SHOCKING! :)
I hope I'm not being a pain in the ass, but, as a former school teacher, I go into this "correct it" mode sometimes. FYI, the word it's only has an apostrophe when it means it is, its is the possessive with no apostrophe because it isn't a contraction, but a pronoun. I beat my head against the wall for years with kids on that--I told them that it is like her and his--no apostrophe. Sorry for being anal, but sometimes I just am.
Anon: I totally get it, I have that "correct it" disease as well, so of course you threw me into a panic, thinking there must have been a 'typo' rather than a grammatical error (haha). I had to reread the post three times before I saw it, and now I'm just embarrassed. (But I used it correctly two other times, so do I get credit for that?) I'm still going with typo, rather than error, though! ;-) We teachers are such anal-retentive freaks, aren't we?
I'm so glad you weren't totally offended by that. So many people don't know there is a difference, but I knew you would. I know there are WAY bigger issues to worry about! I think it was a typo too! Yes, you get credit for the correct ones! Thanks for your tolerance.
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