I just got back from meeting a very special someone for breakfast. Look!!!
(Ok, ignore the ugly beast on the left. My face is even puffier than normal thanks to what I think is some kind of allergic reaction that caused my eyes to swell and itch for the past 3 days.)

Just in case you don't recognize this stunning beauty, it's Jo!! She so happens to be the sister of my Blog Bestie, C. She passed through town on her way to visit her sister.
I SO wish I had known she was coming yesterday. I would have kidnapped her, and made her spend her 4th of July with my nutty family. I didn't find out until after 11pm, when I got home from my parents' house, that she was in town. It just so happened that she was staying the night in the hotel that is directly across the street from our bar! What a co-inky-dink!
We made plans last night to meet for breakfast this morning. We went across the street first so she could check out the bar, and after some gentle prodding, my brother joined us for breakfast.
She is just the sweetest thing. I knew I would instantly love her, cuz I definitely lurve her big sis. I was so tempted to jump into the car with Jo and go along with her to C's house. I'm definitely going to be planning a trip to visit C very soon. I just hope Jo can get another visit in at the same time.
Thanks, Jo, for such a nice visit. And, C, all I have to say is - Nahnee, nahnee, boo, boo!!! I get to have breakfast with your sister!!
How cool!
I've met teachers from Chicago here...having fun still :)
Oh how wonderful! It really looks like you two were having a great time:)
Hey, Chris n I just checked the blog n saw that u posted. Wow!! That was quick! we are both here laying in bed laughing so hard at all the funny stuffs that went on. Tho we can't find that pic you were telling us about in your archives. Be more specific! Are you on Facebook? Let us know. K? P.s. Chat later gator!
That's so exciting. I want to be there when you and C meet up. Put me down for that one.
You look great, stop your nonsense! I don't know Jo but I kind of know C and what a sweetie! Looks like you had a fun time.
Oh, that is so awesome!!!!
You both look adorable!!!
Fun! Surprises are the best!
Glad it worked,
I love it when blog connections are wonderful IRL! So happy for you both!
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