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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Congratulations! You're the 10th caller!

OK, so it's rest time (as you know, my favorite time of the day!!) and I have my usual radio station playing. You know, the one I complained about the other day because they were playing Christmas music! Anyway, all week I've been letting soft Christmas music play during rest time. I'm only half listening because I was checking and replying to email, but I heard Robin Rock say "(blah, blah, blah)...I'll take the 10th caller." I didn't even hear what the hell she was giving away, but something compelled me to dig around in my purse and find my phone and call. Even as I was dialing, I was telling myself how stupid this was, especially because 90% of the time, I can't even get a signal in my classroom. Yet, I kept dialing. I got a busy signal. You would think that would be enough. But, no, I hung up, then hit redial. Suddenly, I hear ringing, then "Congratulations! You're the 10th caller!" I couldn't believe it!! Now, it wasn't a anything life changing, just a $100 gift card to KMart, but hell, I'll take it! Maybe I'll buy myself something frivolous, like a new Christmas tree.

I have to share with those of you who are not in-the-know, that it seems to my close friends and family that I have a "horseshoe up my ass." I have this bizarre luck when it comes to radio contests. This radio station, in particular, has given me many a prize in the past. A couple of highlights: tickets to see Gloria Estefan, tickets to see Ricky Martin, a family 4-pack of tickets to a Halloween show at Orchestra Hall to see the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, a family 4-pack of tickets to see the musical Grease, $100 gift certificate to Gibson's Steakhouse, and the best one - a 7-day, 7-night, all-inclusive trip for 2 to the Bahamas (it was either Club Med, Sandles, Apple, one of those all-inclusive places) worth over $5,600. Sadly, I was never able to take that trip.(I'll explain in a minute.) I also won a couple of other things that were given away by someone other than the radio. One year, I won a contest for teachers sponsored by Pizza Hut, which was a cash prize of $600. There are some other little prizes, but you get the idea. My brother's girlfriend said once that it was karma at work, and that all these things come to me because of the good I do for others. But it still kills her everytime I win. Naturally, she was the very first one I called after I hung up with the radio station.

About the missed trip, believe me, I was sick about it! There are lots of people out there who like to say "Oh, teachers get SO much time off. I'd love to have all summer off, and all the holidays, blah, blah, blah..." What they don't realize is that our vacation time is dictated to us, as opposed to the luxury others have of choosing when they want their vacation. Of course, that trip I won could not be taken during any blackout dates. Those are usually holiday weeks, or long holiday weekends. Gee, when am I off work? Holidays!!

There was no way to take the trip without taking a full week off of work. There are so many things wrong with that. First, we can't take more than 3 sick days off in a row without a doctor's note. And, I would have to burn 5 sick days to take a week off. (When you're a mom, you can't afford to waste sick days because you'll probably need to take them if your baby gets sick and needs you.) The most important thing is that I could never leave my babies for a whole week! Even if it was a class I couldn't stand (never gonna happen!) I'd have to still leave lesson plans and all the materials needed for them for the sub. Unless you are a teacher, you have no idea how much work that involves! It would have been nearly impossible to do that. Unfortunately, the prize voucher expired after our summer vacation started, so that wasn't an option, either. Oh well, one day I'll get to the Bahamas on my own, I hope!

Let's see, what happened at school today? (I mean other than me calling a radio station, and winning a prize!) I started working with the babies yesterday on some Thanksgiving turkey recipes. I've been just cracking up! I'm going to bring them home and scan them so you can see the best ones. They are hilarious! Until I post them, I'm going to keep you in suspense. Suffice it to say, Betty Crocker has nothing to be worried about.

Well, Dori is here now, we're going to have a margarita night since we don't start work until 12:00 tomorrow. Adios!

Children are the bridge to heaven ---Persian Proverb


Christina said...

The only thing I ever won off the radio was Microsoft Office encyclopedia. Yeah. It wasn't too cool then either.

miss r said...

thank you for dinner and margaritas!! they were yummy.