You have to watch this video from Providence St. Vincent Medical Center in Portland, Oregon. It was created to generate breast cancer awareness. Very cute and heartwarming at the same time!!
(Most of us know someone who has had breast cancer....think of them while watching.)
Mayo Clinic Piano
An elderly couple walked into the lobby of the Mayo Clinic for a checkup and spotted a piano. They've been married for 62 years and he just turned 90 this year. Check out this impromptu performance... It's all attitude. Enjoy!!
Thanks, Bestest Friend, for sending these, and giving me my daily dose of tears!! (Happy tears, of course!)
They’re Doubling Down
49 minutes ago
Watching it just now, from your blog, was the 6th time I've watched it, since first opening it this morning......NO tears this time!! ;- ) Besides the fact that it makes us think of all the women in our lives who've had breast cancer, I think this video also serves to remind us of the awesomeness of health care workers!
I've favorited the YouTube link, so I'll be able to easily view this again and again.
thanks Chichi for the smiles and the warm fuzzies.
I love REAL people.
absolutely wonderful.
awwwww cheecharooni! i lerve these 2 videos. the pink gloves one has given me courage for my surgery thursday.. even though i dont have ca. it is such an inspiring video. i will think about when i get scared.
the lil old couple are just adorable.
you made my day!
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