Friday afternoon, after an exhausting first week with the babies (mostly thanks to working at the bar both Wednesday and Thursday nights!!), I rushed like a bat outta hell to leave at 2:45 when the bell rang so that I could pick up my son, who also gets out at 2:45. We're still trying to figure out how this is going to work, but more on that later. I literally ran out the door, rushed through traffic and got to my son's school by 3:05. A little sidenote (read: bitching) At 3:00, my son called, which I assumed was to say he was waiting, but no. He called to say he was hanging out with a bunch of his friends, just chit-chatting. Good thing I drove like a lunatic, trying to make sure he didn't have wait for me! But, then my next thought was, perfect, I can relax a bit, he's not waiting, he's socializing, etc. Well, like I said, I arrived at 3:05, parked and got out. He and his friends were out in front of the school. I was finally able to meet his "new friend" which was great, because my son became fast friends with this boy, so of course, I wanted to check him out. I was also able to see one of the girls he graduated with, who attends the sister school next door. Perfect way to end a long, stressful week, for sure.
Anyway, back to the point of this. After running a few errands, we finally arrived home, and I went to get my computer out to do some work. That's when I realized - EGADS!! I left my laptop at the Hell-Hole!! Holy crap!!! Not only did I need my computer, there was NO WAY IN HELL I wanted it sitting in my room all weekend, because I guarantee you it wouldn't have been there Monday morning. (Sad, right?) By the time I realized this, it was about 5:20. I figured everyone would be gone, but I decided I would call the Big Cheese to see if anyone was going to be at the school on Saturday so I could rush there first thing in the morning to see if my computer was still there. So, I called his cell phone. As luck would have it, he was just walking out of school. Yay! I told him my dilemma, and he says, "Do you want me to get it?" Oh, holy hell, YES! He actually doesn't live very far from my house, so I figured I could meet him somewhere, like his house, anywhere, and get it. Then he said, "You know, I'll be here tomorrow from 9-12 if you just want to come get it tomorrow." Um...NO! He realized, without me having to say anything, why that really wasn't an option. He may be an ass, but he's no dummy. (OK, he IS a dummy sometimes, but I digress...) He said he would grab it, and suggested that we meet at a Burger King that is in between our homes. Perfect! We both literally pulled up at the same time, I got my computer, and all was right with the world again.
So, bottom line, Big Cheese did a good deed Friday afternoon. I had even planned to bake him his favorite oatmeal raisin cookies tonight, but seeing how I've been here at the bar since 4:30, and it's now 8:30, I don't see that happening. I will make every effort to do it tomorrow, though, because I truly appreciate him doing this for me. And, back in the day, when Big Cheese and I were tight, I used to bake for him on at least a weekly basis, and he always appreciated it.
The Formula For Angry Workers
2 hours ago
A new side to the Big Cheese? OMG. What am I supposed to do with this information? And now you're baking him cookies??!?!? I can't wait to hear how the rest of the year goes.
what a heck of a day for you.
OMG. Sorry to hear all you have been going through....
take care friend. Suz
I would have to handcuff it to my wrist if I had a laptop. Thank God you got it back. Give that man a store bought cookie. He'll never know the difference.
I taught for about a million years (39) and also had a "Big Cheese" that I felt close to for awhile, then he professionally dissed me big time and I could barely look at him after that. Thank God for the classroom where I felt appreciated and valued! I hope this is the beginning of a good year with your Cheese. I'm a recent reader, so I don't know what happened between you and the BC--I'm retired, I could go back and read your old posts and find out for myself! Enjoy those babies--they need you!
Anonymous: First, welcome! I'm not sure if you really want to spend your free time (lucky you!) really going back and reading a year's worth of posts, but have fun if you do! ;-)
Congratulations of your retirement from teaching. Most days, I don't think I'll be able to do it. Sadly, I'm pretty burnt out already, with nearly 20 years in at this point.
Sorry to hear you had a Big Cheese of your own. Things used to be great, but the past few years...not so much. :(
Please stop by again!
Christina, you crack me up as always! I'm with you...I can't wait to see what the rest of the year brings!
Good luck this year. Thanks for posting a comment to my blog. I'm glad if you find something useful there.
If you do a classroom blog, make sure you get permission from parents to mention them and to use their images in your blog.
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