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Monday, April 18, 2011

I wasn't gonna mention it, but...

...last Saturday, I was bitching because it was 85 here. Yesterday, we had snow flurries. I'm sitting here watching the 10:00 news, and the lead story is that we have snow coming this week! Really?! Now, all of you know how much I love the snow, but come on, it's the middle of April, for Pete's sake. I'm worried that all the plants and flowers that have started growing already will be harmed by this cold and snow. My lilac bushes are covered in buds, thanks to last week's unseasonably warm weather, I would be VERY upset if something happened to make them not bloom. My day lilies have started growing, as well. I think they're hardy enough to withstand a little cold, though, so I think they'll be ok.

On a happy note, I'm now starting my second glorious week of spring break. Woo hoo! The first week went by WAY too quickly. I hope I'll be able to slow down and enjoy this second week. I have managed to read about 4 books in the past week. All of them on my fancy new iPod. I know, I'm sooo cool! That's, by far, my favorite thing about my iPod. I've been downloading books like crazy. For a while, I thought I might want to get a Kindle, but then I realized that it wouldn't be as easy to throw that in my purse and carry it around with me, like my iPod, so for now, I'll stick with what I have. Besides, right now, I only have free books downloaded to my iPod, so why would I need something else to download free stuff to? If I'm too cheap to buy the books, we all know I'm too cheap to buy a Kindle!!!

Ok, the weather segment of the news just came on, and apparently, we'll be having LOTS of rain this week. Perfect weather for staying curled up in bed, in my jammies, reading books on my iPod!! :) I love spring break!

This was what the deck looked like when I got up this morning, and when I was leaving to take Stud to school. Not bad. It's hardly a dusting. The snow has since turned to rain. Naturally, I'm typing this from the cozy cocoon of my bed, with all my blankies around me. :)


Katy said...

WHAT? 80 degrees and then snow a week later? That is some F'd up weather y'all have going on in Chi-town. Seattle weather sucks donkey balls but at least it's consistent. Gray. Rainy. Gray. Rainy. :)

Mary A. said...

2 weeks of spring break??? Luckeee!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I wish I had some of the coolness that the snow brings, without actually having snow.
You can read a book on your ipod? You have gooooood eyes.

Gberger said...

I think we can officially re-name "global warming" to "climate change." Enjoy the cold and the rest of your vacation!
Have you read the Pioneer Woman's "Black Heels to Tractor Wheels?" It's a lot of fun, an easy read, and is full of true romance. said...

well, we had tornadoes on saturday night...pretty bad ones...and destroyed some base housing just south of here. and had one really close to us too. lost power for a few hours. it was the closest tornado we had here in what people are saying in years and years! it was an EF3! took out some major trees in the national forest....just a few miles from our house. pretty scary harry!! and here i was bummed cuz the frikkin cable was out!! and a sooo many lost sooo much, and lives were lost. boy....sure brings me back to whats important! that was my hair raising weekend. how bout you?

Maria said...

You get TWO weeks of Spring Break? Bing would be so jealous....

Stephanie said...

We had snow this week that landed and stayed on the ground all day! I had to brush it off my windshield. Please please let that be the last of it!