LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Ugh! It's HOT!

Well, it's over. Whatever else needs to be done will have to wait til next week. Or, whenever the hell I get around to it! My bestest friend was gracious enough to come to the ghetto with me this morning and help me finish my room. We were there for about 3 hours, in the sweltering heat! As one of my cousins would say, I was sweatin' like a hooker in church! It wasn't even sunny while we were working, but the humidity could choke a horse. I can't even imagine what it's going to be like next week, when there are 30+ little sweaty bodies in there with me, generating even more heat! Ugh!!!

The sun decided to come out as we were leaving, and I think that we're actually going to get the unbearable heat the weather people have been predicting for today. I think I even heard as high as 96. I don't want to go off on another rant about how much I hate summer heat, so I'ma go now. ;-)


miss r said...

CPS always has good intentions but never really thinks them through. My whole district went year-round years ago, but updated all the buildings with central air so that we would not DIE in August.

Clippy Mat said...

nice of your friend to help you out.
i think i'm with you on the heat and humidity. hate it!
and i love that saying, 'sweating like a hooker in church.'
just noticed your weight loss widget. well done. :-))

Coll said...

First of all, ChiTown Girl and her cousin would like to apologize to any hookers reading the blog....they meant no offense....we really WERE sweating that much!! ;- )

Secondly, I want to wish my BFF a WONDERFUL first day of school tomorrow! Tell the Jerrys I said, "Hello" and that I'll be in to meet them soon!