Tiffany is making a quick visit to her brother-in-law at the hospital, so I figured it was a good time to check in with my peeps.
Tiffany picked me up at the airport yesterday, and whisked me straight to a funky, cool restaurant for dinner. I'm kicking myself for not whipping out the camera and taking some pictures for you (sorry, C!). My dinner was awesome! I had Gingersnap Crusted Cod (major YUM!) along with cheese grits and baked macaroni & cheese. Did I just hear you yell "Oh no she di-int!" Oh, hell yeah, I DID! And, damn, it was good!!
We sat and chatted, and chatted, and then chatted some more. Tiffany's poor husband called twice while we were chit-chatting. We finally left the restaurant and headed over to their condo. We then continued the gab-fest, this time with Ben joining in, until way past my bedtime!
This morning, Tiff and I picked right up where we left off, and managed to gab right through breakfast time. By the time we looked at a clock, it was time for lunch. Off to another awesome restaurant! Yay! We went to this great little Cuban place, and I had some most delicious ropas vieja, which was accompanied by delightful black beans and rice, along with some sweet, crispy fried plantains. Delicioso!!!
After lunch, Tiffany took me on a lovely little tour of some really pretty places in her area. She drove me past Churchill Downs. We may try to do the tour tomorrow. We also drove to the seminary that her husband attended, and took a ride around the grounds. The drive around was beautiful. The trees have started changing colors, and everything just looks so pretty.
When they get back from their hospital visit, we'll probably go to dinner, and then we're going to see a play. I don't even remember what it's called, but it's Halloween-related. I'm excited. I'll try to remember to take some pictures tonight!
Just Another Fae In Retail
15 minutes ago
It sounds like you're having a great vacation! Happy fall!
I love that you are enjoying yourself, you deserve a nice time.
Prayers for her BIL...I hope he is making improvements.
It sounds as though you may just be having a good time. Hard to tell for sure though. (snickers)
You are a blessing to her, I'm sure, especially right now. Have a blast and enjoy every minute!
Need food pictures :)
you are going to have to be spanked for not taking pictures... taps foot on floor... arms crossed, ... fuck this shit look on face... oh yeah girlie u b in beeg trouble if you dont take pictures....
and just for that i'm not telling you what i saw stud do at the all nighter party we had. ok i'll give you a little hint.. does orange jello and nutella mean anything to you?
you'll have to aask him cuz i'm not telling.
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