OMG!! I thought for the hell of it, I'd search the local NBC website for the video I missed last night of Stud and the gang. Well, whatta ya know? I FOUND IT! They're only on screen for about 2 seconds, literally, but still. They're the group of 4 fans holding up their tickets, at about :34.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Sunday Sketch

Stud went to a Hawks game about 2 weeks ago, when they were vying for a spot in the finals. Now, last night was a HUGE game, apparently, and he again was lucky enough to be there. As a matter of fact, Bestest Friend called last night after I was asleep to tell me she saw Stud on the news! Poop! I can't believe I missed it. The Dad, however, said he's getting a tape of it from a friend, and that he'll make me a copy. I can't wait to see it.
Don't know what to make for dinner?
This is a wonderful blog, chock-full of delicious and easy recipes, and helpful tips. Check it out!
Friday, May 28, 2010
The wrong way to start a Friday...
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Check this out...
I always love me a great flash mob, and this one rocks!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
What are YOU doing this summer?
Here's the 'before'....
And, the 'after!' Looks much better, doesn't it?
I haven't posted about this yet, because I was afraid it would turn into a bitchy, complaining post (SO unusual, right!?) but now I've come to grips with it. I will be teaching summer school this summer. Some of you know that this year we switched to a year-round schedule at the Hell-Hole. That meant a VERY short 5 week summer vacation last summer, and this summer will be no different. Well, accept that summer school is also 5 weeks long. So, do the math, folks. 5 weeks of summer - 5 weeks of summer school=0 vacation for ChiTown Girl!!!
Ok, I said I wasn't going to gripe. I keep trying to focus on the money part of this. With all the budget cuts this year for CPS, you may recall that the after school program that I used to run was cut this year, which meant no after school money. On top of that, the bar has become so successful, that we now have a full staff, so that means I no longer spend my weekends there. Now, trust me, this is definitely a GOOD thing and I'm thrilled about that, but for me personally, that's another job I no longer have. I went from having 3 jobs to just 1, so financially, it's been a rough school year. Believe me, I know I'm better off than so many people who don't even have 1 job. However, those other two jobs are what paid the very high tuition at Stud's private school. With the elimination of my two extra jobs, I've had to dip into my savings all year to pay it. The main reason I agreed to do summer school is because I should be able to make enough to cover Stud's tuition for next year. (Let me just clarify, so CSJ doesn't seem like such a J - I pay the full tuition every month, then he pays me his half in drips and drabs throughout the month. It essentially feels like I'm paying the tuition by myself, since I don't have the luxury of paying it to the school bit by bit, but at the end of the day, CSJ does help. The problem is, once I pull the money out of savings to pay the full tuition every month, I don't replace it because I don't get it back in one lump sum, and it just ends up going toward other expenses.)
Because our salary is spread out over a full year, we always get paid while we're off in the summer. (It's money we already earned, they just take a certain amount out of every check during the school year, then pay us out of that for the summer. That means our checks are the same amount every pay period.) We are paid our regular rate of pay for summer school, so it'll seem like I'm getting double pay all summer, if that makes sense. I plan to stockpile my summer checks, and hopefully, combined with my tax refund, I'll be able to pay Stud's tuition in full at the beginning of the year, which will earn me a discount. It's not big, but it will be enough to pay for most of his books (which are usually around $300+).
There's one more little piece to this puzzle. Normally, summer school is only Mon-Thur. So, when I agreed to do it, I figured, "Ok, I won't get a summer vacation, but at least I'll have a bunch of 3-day weekends." Well, yeah....not so much.... I later found out that for the program I'll be doing, there are mandatory meetings every Friday at one of the CPS training facilities. Argh! But, I've been trying to focus on the positive. That's 5 more days of pay, which is essentially another week's pay, right? Focus on the bottom line, you big whiny baby!
I suppose I should just be grateful to have this summer position (which I am, seriously). Flattered, even, because New Principal came to me personally and asked me to do this program, which is new to the Hell-Hole. Normally, any teachers interested in teaching over the summer must fill out an application, and then there ends up being about 10 people vying for the limited number of positions available (usually just 3). So, the fact that I she hand-picked me for this says something, right?
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Caution - Cuteness ahead....
Everytime I walk down the hall to my room, this makes me smile. And, New Principal came in to tell me that she LOVES it. Woo hoo! It's always is good when you can impress the boss. ;-)
Sunday, May 23, 2010
For the love of all that is holy...
In all my stupidity, I thought today would be a great day to do some planting in the yard. First, though, I had to spend about 30 minutes doing some clean-up type things, like removing the overgrowth of weeds and baby maple trees that were growing up through my chain link fence from the neighbor's house. I think I threw out my very bad back with all the pulling I was doing. I should have just called it a day after that, but I wanted to get the plants I bought into their planter boxes. So, I got busy cleaning out all my planter boxes, and I managed to get 4 different tomatoes (Big Boy, grape tomato, yellow teardrop, and Hardy Cherry), 3 separate basil plants, some mint and lemon balm all planted before I was sure I was gonna take a header off the deck.
I'm fairly certain I managed to give myself heat stroke or sun poisoning or something. I've been in the house for about an hour now. The first 30 minutes was spent on the couch in the basement (where it's about 20 degrees cooler than the rest of the house) in the dark, holding a cold cloth on my face, and guzzling water. I'm still drinking cold water now, but my face and chest are still beet red, and I'm still a bit light-headed.
I am so tempted to go back out and finish my planting (I have a couple of trays of petunias that are screaming to be planted!) but I'm afraid I'm going to end up in serious trouble. I tend to forget that I'm morbidly obese, and woefully out of shape. I guess I'd better not push it, lest I end up making myself sick, and then, God forbid, I'd miss the finale of LOST tonight! That settles it, I'm headed back down to the basement with my ice water.
Next time, I'm gonna fly Suz up here to be my personal gardener! She much better at it than I am, and she's in much better shape. Whatta ya say, Suz? You up for the job? ;-)
Sunday Sketch

Saturday, May 22, 2010
I just don't get it...
Unless you've been living under a rock, you've seen this bizarre infomercial, right?
The most ridiculous thing you've ever seen, wouldn't you agree? I know my mind is usually in the gutter, but I can't help thinking that your man would be happy to assist you in your workout for FREE, and you could save the cost of ordering this stupid thing. Plus, if you're in to that kind of thing, you could get a delightful facial after your workout. ;-)
(while I was sitting here, getting my blog fix, a different version of this popped up on my television, which obviously what prompted me to share with this post!)
Personality Test?
The email has that hokey, cheesy, annoying chain mail thing going on, so I'm going to spare you that part, and only share the parts that I found interesting.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
I've been forgiven...
I'm going to keep the ones I like best for last. Today's drawing is "just a mask." After his request, I wanted to get the story, but he insists it's just a mask. Hmmm...ok

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
I'm in trouble...
After reading the comments left on the last post, he softened up a bit, and said I could post this:

It just kind of a cool pair of headphones he designed and drew a while back. He usually draws characters that are more like the Mr. A. picture. I'm not really sure if they would be categorized at sci-fi, or fantasy, or what. I think fantasy would be the closest match.
Since literally the 1st grade, Stud has been developing a game, along with his two best friends. Most of the drawings he does are characters from this game. I can NOT believe these boys have been working on The Game for over 9 years!! I'm hoping that one day, The Game will allow Stud to support his dear, old Mom. :)
When they started, the game was a bit like Magic: The Gathering. (I don't fully understand this one, either, but the boys were obsessed!) Now that the boys are older, and have incredible skills with computers and the like, they have moved into making this a video game. I believe that's what Stud wants "to be when he grows up," a video game developer. It's probably a ridiculously difficult field to get into, but I bet he can make boatloads of money doing it.
One of the colleges on Stud's "list" is Columbia College, here in Chicago. I would LOVE for him to be able to go here. First of all, it would be a dream program/school for him. Second, he wouldn't have to move away. Yeah, I know, I gotta let him grow up sometime. But I'm not ready!!!
I hope he'll ease up a bit, and let me share some of the drawings I scanned. There are a few that I adore that are simply his version of some Tarot cards he found online. His version is so much cooler! Stay tuned...
Oh, and a couple of you had asked whether Stud has had any classes or training, and the answer to that is a big, fat NO. He's never taken any art classes, he's just self-taught. He was supposed to be in Honors Art this year, on the recommendation of one of his teachers from last year (who used to constantly take his sketchbook away because he would spend her whole class drawing, instead of doing what he was supposed to be doing! Ugh!), but there was a scheduling mix-up, and it didn't happen. We tried to get it on his schedule again for next year, and tentatively, he has Honors Art on his schedule. Keep your fingers crossed that nothing messes it up again!
The literary magazine came out today, by the way, and thankfully, Stud bought a copy. I'm so proud of him. He's now a published artist!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
My Little Picasso
This is a drawing he did in the beginning of the year, and submitted to his school's literary magazine. He just got it back, with a lovely little note, thanking him for his submission. I can't wait to get a copy of the magazine.
This is a drawing of his principal, Mr. A. I didn't know what the second line was until I asked. It says, "Level 99, Paladin" which has something to do with either a video game or a card game, I can't remember which, but it describes the "powers" this character has in the game. The last part is what made me laugh: "Crusader, Dragon Rider, Principal" (Their school mascot is the crusader.)

I had scanned this because I framed a copy of it to give to Mr. A., and I figured since it was already sitting here in my computer, I might as well share!
It's not one of his most sophisticated drawings, but I think it's pretty good, nonetheless. I may just try and sneak into his portfolio later and scan in some of his "good" drawings, just so I can brag a bit more....
Friday, May 14, 2010
We went on a field trip today!

We went to see the legendary Ella Jenkins today! I had such a wonderful time, I almost missed how much fun the babies had. I take my class to see her every year, and every year I love her just as much as the year before.
I have a Barney video in which Miss Ella appears, and I always show it to my class in preparation of this field trip. They were SO excited when she sangs the songs they learned on the video. They learned a whole bunch of songs today. I think I may be checking out Amazon this weekend so I can order a few of her CDs. I have several of her albums on cassette, but these days, it's just too hard to even use these. Do you remember, back in the day, when you would try to find a specific song on a tape? Rewind....oops! Fast forward....ah, crap! Rewind....Ugh!!! How did we ever get by?
One of the songs she sang today was Jambo. They loved the way she sang almost all her songs in this call-and-response style. She calls kids up to the stage for nearly every song, and a couple of my babies were chosen to come up. But, they went ape shit when their TEACHER was called up to the stage (to count in sign language). It was just so cute how excited they were.
I tried to find some videos on YouTube to share with you, but Miss Ella must have some tight reins on her stuff. I did find this, though. (Blogger seems to be cutting off the right side of the video, so use the link to see it in full view.)
The only down side of our trip was that I ended up getting a horrific case of motion sickness. It's nearly 5pm, and I'm still feeling nauseous. I think I'm going to see if there's any of the ginger ale I had to pick up for Stud left in the fridge. (He was home with a tummy bug yesterday.) I just hope it's motion sickness and NOT whatever Stud had.
Monday, May 10, 2010
What the HELL is that smell!?
But, then, as I was driving to school, I was assaulted by a foul smell. It kinda smelled like spoiled milk? Anyway, when I got home, I figured I'd better get the bag off the floor and let the mat dry. I had planned to also Febreze the car from front to back, just for an added bonus.
Well, imagine my surprise when I moved the rubber mat and saw that the carpet mat under it was wet. Then, imagine my horror when I realized that the actual carpeting in the car was sopping wet! Holy crap!!!
I immediately removed both sets of car mats (the original carpet mats that came with the car, and the heavy-duty, super-thick, SUV mats my brother bought me as a 'car warming' gift, that I have over the originals) and then had Stud help me set up our elaborate drying system again.
I did Febreze the crap out of all the upholstery, so I hope that helps get rid of the foul odor. If it still smells tomorrow once it's dry, I plan to sprinkle a box of baking soda everywhere and then let that sit overnight before I vacuum it out.
When I first bought this car, there was a foul, icky smell going on, which I thought was in the vents. It did seem to improve a bit after I had an oil change done, and they switched out all the air filters. But, every once in a while, I'd get a whiff of something offensive. Again, it smelled a little like old milk. I'm basing this assessment on my memory of the smell in my old car after Stud dropped umpteen bottles of milk, not to mention a few sippy cups, which then dripped into the carpeting. Delightful, right?
Obviously, the car was detailed before I bought it. Now, I'm almost wondering if the carpet was still a bit damp when they put the floor mats back in it. The mats are rubber-backed, which would keep the carpet underneath from drying, right? Then, the day after I bought it, my brother brought over those heavy-duty mats and put them in for me. Is it possible that the carpet might not have ever fully dried? Seems a bit far-fetched, but any thing's possible, right?
If anyone has any other odor-removing suggestions, please pass them on. I vaguely remember reading somewhere that charcoal briquettes can be used to remove odor, so maybe I should place a few under the seats for a while. Leave me your tips, please!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
When will I learn!?
I'm really afraid I'll be driving around in a car that smells like an old kitchen sponge for the rest of my life, but I'm hoping that won't be the case. Last night, Stud helped me rig up a "drying system" in the garage. Oh, it's real sophisticated! I opened all four windows and the sunroof, then took a box fan, and laid it across the opening of the sunroof, and turned it on full blast. But, of course, because my garage looks like it needs an intervention from Niecy Nash, we had to rig up an extension cord from the messy side of the garage, where the outlet is, to the "clean" side, where the car is parked. No easy feat, let me tell ya!
When I went out this morning at about 7 to check on things, the seats felt dry, but I left the fan running for a little while longer just to be sure. I will NOT be able to drive in a car that smells moldy and mildewy. YUK! No amount of Febreeze in the world can take care of that problem, I'm sorry!
Email of the Day
A man was sitting on the edge of the bed, observing his wife, looking at herself in the mirror. Since her birthday was not far off he asked what she'd like to have for her Birthday.
'I'd like to be six again', she replied, still looking in the mirror.
On the morning of her Birthday, he arose early, made her a nice big bowl of Lucky Charms, and then took her to Six Flags theme park. What a day!
He put her on every ride in the park; the Death Slide, the Wall of Fear, the Screaming Monster Roller Coaster, everything there was.
Five hours later they staggered out of the theme park. Her head was reeling and her stomach felt upside down.
He then took her to a McDonald's where he ordered her a Happy Meal with extra fries and a chocolate shake.
Then it was off to a movie, popcorn, a soda pop, and her favorite candy, M&M's. What a fabulous adventure! Finally she wobbled home with her husband and collapsed into bed exhausted. He leaned over his wife with a big smile and lovingly asked, 'Well, Dear, what was it like being six again?'
Her eyes slowly opened and her expression suddenly changed.
'I meant my dress size, you dummy!'
The moral of the story: Even when a man is listening, he is gonna get it wrong.
I found this in an old file I was going through this morning, and thought it might make you smile!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
It's SHIT Day!*
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Who knew...
Flowers, flowers, everywhere!
At other schools that I've worked at, there was usually something done for the teachers during this week. Since I've been at the Hell-Hole, I've come to expect nothing. CPS usually sends cheesy, generic certificates to us, which our principal is supposed to pass out. One year, The Big Cheese just gave us the blank certificate, and told us to write our own freakin' names on them!! Oh, what a piece of work he was!!
Yesterday, during our very brief staff meeting, New Principal mentioned that it was Teacher Appreciation Week, and said that a package would be coming to us later in the day. The day ended, and the packages never came. I really didn't give it a second thought, cuz like I said, I've come to expect nothing. Today, near the end of the day, there was a knock on my door, and when I opened it, there were the gym and art teachers, as well as one of our parent volunteers. The brought me this...
When I pulled up to the house after picking Stud up from school, I immediately saw that my gate was closed, which told me someone had been at my house while I was at work. (Normally, the gate is open, so I can pull into the garage.) Stud thought it was his father, who had to drop off his dirty lunch containers from yesterday. Naturally, I started my (very mature!) ranting about CSJ, and the fact that the gate is closed, blah, blah, blah.
Well, as I started backing into the driveway, I turned my head, and immediately noticed...