I should probably be trying to take a nap, since I was up at 5am to get ready for our delightful breakfast date. I have to work tonight at the bar, which means I'll be up til the wee hours, as usual. We're having Psychic Night tonight, so we're expecting it to be pretty busy. The psychic is giving us a free reading for hosting the event, and my brother and I are fighting over who'll take it. Not because we want it, but because neither of us does! He doesn't really believe in psychic readings, and I'm a bit freaked out by the whole thing. I'll let you know tomorrow what happens.
I would love for anyone who is reading this to please check out Tesi's blog today, and maybe open your heart to a good cause. Every little bit helps.
One more little tidbit about this morning. After everyone else left, I was chatting with Melissa, and I thanked her for pulling whatever strings she pulled to put us on the list this morning. She looked at me like I was nuts. She said, "What are you talking about?" Well, it turns out she had nothing to do with choosing who was invited. When I told her what I had written on my entry form, she just started laughing and said, "Steven loves stuff like that!" (He's the one who went through the entries and picked the winners.) Hmmm, I'll have to remember that for the next contest....
Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born. --- Anais Nin
It's all good. She isn't for everyone.
But please tell your buddy Melissa to stop obsessing about Wicked and her husband to Idina. It is quite annoying that every other question is Elphaba and Taye. She did that the last time she interviewed her. New topics. Thank you.
By the way your son is a cutie. I love curly hair.
You don't have to like her, that's fine. Just wish someone who does could have gone instead.
When did Lex get all those curls!? Did you give him an Ogilvie home perm???
Thanks, anon, I think my son is a cutie, too :)
Smiley, he's always had curly hair, it's just that I've always kept it really short (mostly cuz he's a major head-sweater! yuk!) But, I let him grow his hair for over a year now (although we did cut it close to graduation, and shaped it a little) because in 10 days, when he starts high school, he has to cut it all off thanks to the dress code. He's done his thing for a while now, looking like on of the Jonas Brothers (haha) but this weekend will be end of his fun, I'm afraid. And, duh!! Like you don't know what MY hair looks like?! He has my hair, for sure!
Shoot! I thought I hit "preview." That's *one of the Jonas Brothers. oops.
Ogilvie home perm!!?? That made me laugh out loud!! You are so funny. He actually asked me to straighten it before we cut it off, just for shits and giggles. We may just do that today...
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