Here's something else I was inspired to make thanks to Pintrest. (In case you haven't figured it out, it's my new addiction. I'm not even kidding. Thank God I don't have a job, or a life, cuz I'm on there 5 or 6 hours a day right now sometimes. I'm a loser...)
I've seen people turn picture frames into dry erase memo boards, and thought, I could use that! I have this tiny little strip of wall between the door jams of the doors that go down to my back door, and my spare room. It's the perfect place to leave little notes about things I need to remember, because I can't help but see it when I walk out the door. I usually put post-its there for myself. But, I don't like how wasteful that is, and I really liked the idea of something dry erase, that can be used over and over.
I wasn't sure what size frame would fit, so I picked up 2 different ones. I think I may just go back and get another bigger one so that match. But for now, here they are.

I figured I would put different things on this one, inspirational thoughts, motivational thoughts, silly thoughts, whatever strikes my fancy for the day.

I'll use this one the way I've always used this awkward little strip of wall, either to remind myself of things as I'm walking out the door, or just things I need to keep in the forefront of my mind. Like Stud's orthodontist appointment this Thursday.

I put these together while I was on the phone with my sister for the past 2 1/2 hours, listening to her horror stories of just having spent 3 weeks in Italy with our mother. She probably could have vented for another couple of hours, but she was tired and needed to go take a nap. They just arrived home yesterday afternoon, and she's still feeling a little jet-lagged.
All she managed to do was give me horrible flashbacks to my last trip to Italy with my mother, which was 10 years ago. I took Stud and we were there for 6 weeks. I swore I would never do it again. I usually can only take small doses of my mother here, at home, where I can get in my car and be back in my own house in less than 5 minutes. Being stuck there with her was not pleasant, to say the least.
Let me just stop for a minute and say, I realize what a horrible daughter I sound like right now, but rest assured, I love my mother with all my heart. We just don't get along most of the time. The crux of it is that I'm so much like my father. She can't stand either one of us most of the time! Not only am I the spitting image of him, we have almost identical personalities. It just pisses her off royally!
My poor, sweet friend Jen was actually a witness to it at my Tastefully Simple party. As an ice-breaker, she had all the guests go around and introduce themselves, and then tell what they love and/or admire about me. (Thanks, again, for the tears, by the way, Jen!) Well, when it was my mother's turn, she started off saying, "What I love and admire most about ChiTown are her parents!" Ha, ha, very funny. Then she says, "Well, I can tell you what I can't STAND about her - she's exactly like her father!!" Well, hardy, har, har!
But, just so we're clear, yes, I DO love my mother!!! And, I know she loves me. But most of the time, we're like oil and water. Correction -OLIVE oil and water.
So, after telling you all that, I figured now might be a good time to share this little tidbit of news. I leave 2 weeks from tomorrow for Italy. Yep, you read that correctly. I will be leaving, on a jet plane, but I DO know when I'll be back again.
Isn't that what most unemployed folks do - take a European vaction? I'll be there for two weeks. Two really LONG weeks.
But, here's what's saving me. MY DADDY IS GOING WITH ME!!!! This will be my fourth trip to Italy, but the first with my daddy. I'm really excited about that. I can't wait for him to take me to his hometown and show my where he grew up. I want to see his house, where he went to school, where he hung out, all of it.
Now, there is a very real possibility that my mother might put the kibosh on all that, but I'm going to try and stay positive and hope for the best.
The other reason I've decided to suck it up and do this is that my brother's LONG-time, on-again, off-again girlfriend will also be joining us. I'm SO excited for her!!! She and my brother started planning almost a year ago for this trip. She's even been learning Italian. But, things have gotten a little rocky with them recently, and between the baby and the bar, my brother just is not going to be able to take 2 weeks away from either.
A couple of weeks ago it occurred to me that KC should just go anyway! She adores my daddy, almost as much as I do, and she actually likes spending time with my mother. But, I had a feeling she probably wouldn't go by herself. Admittedly, that would be a little weird, right, to go to Italy and hang out with your sometimes-boyfriend's parents? (for those of you who haven't been keeping up, KC has been around for nearly 13 years now, and she really is part of the family.) So, I told her I would go with her, if that's what it took to get her there. In her mind, she always imagined her first trip there would be with my brother (duh!) so I was a little stunned when she agreed.
A lot of different things have been falling into place for us, making both of us think we are meant to take this trip. Luckily for me, I don't have a job, so my schedule is wide open. We were able to get the tickets for nearly $300 less than my sister and mother paid. Which worked out great because my passport expired last month, and to get an expedited one cost nearly $200! We just changed our tickets yesterday to leave a day earlier, which saved us another $100.
Last week, I closed on a refi I did for my house (which I did because I knew I wouldn't be working, and wanted a lower mortgage payment) and I now get two months without having to make a payment. Hello! There's my vacation money. Plus, I'll be getting a check back from my old mortgage company for the left over escrow money in the account. Can you say "spending money?"
Like I said, lots of things are falling into place. I was able to keep myself focused on the positive for the past week, like having my Daddy and KC there, but after hanging up with my sister, I want to call and cancel. I just told my Daddy the same thing a minute ago on the phone, and he was able to talk me down a little. He keeps telling me not to worry, KC will take care of my mom. Good God, I hope so!!!
In the meantime, whatever positive thoughts you can send this way would be awesome! I'm off to my Daddy's house to visit, and Stud' going to cut his grass. CSJ is meeting us there, and we'll have dinner together before my dad leaves for another trip tonight. He's off to his annual national trap shooting tournament. (I think I may have mentioned it in the past.) He'll be gone a week, then he's home 6 days, then we leave for our trip. I hope I can find the silver lining again before then!!!