I'm am SOOOO angry right now, I think my head is going to explode!!! Naturally, the situation involves the Cocksucking Jagoff, and I swear to God, I wish I could make him disappear!! I wish he would just fall off the face of the Earth! I'm so pissed off right now, I can't even go into detail, but it involves the fact that he keeps crying poor mouth and bitching about having to pay his share of my son's tuition, when I just found out that he bought the Home Wrecking Whore a $10,000 engagement ring!! What the fuck?!?!? How DARE he put his whore ahead of his son's education!! How dare he! Ugh! I want to fuckin' bash his head in right now!!!! I hate him, I hate him, I hate him!!! And, yes, I do know I sound like a two year old, but I don't care right now!! I feel a slew of swear words bubbling to the surface, so it's time to go....
Nah... I prefer the slew of swear words... it helps the soul sometimes :-)
Can I say how much I LOVE that you put HWW in your labels!!!!! Seriously, it does help to let the words fly and just remember that karma is a bitch so he better be careful!
I don't blame you for being so upset. That is selfish and unfair and overall ASSHOLE behavior. If I were there I would BHFFI right along with you.
I hope one day his head pops out of his ass but until then I think you know what to expect.
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