PLEASE share your thoughts on this one,
especially the handful men out there who visit me. Although all three are beautiful, I personally find the two women on the ends sexier than the woman in the middle. And, I think that if I were a man, I'd be afraid of breaking that tiny thing! ;-)
Tiff, for sharing this. Her entire
post today got me going. You may want to check it out.
Gregg said: Whichever one I was in love with, I would want to go to bed with - & he said they ALL look great. His exact words, in summary, were, "I love naked." You can see why we're married. =)
Caroline doesn't look like a 16 to me...and Karen's husband Gregg is my kind of guy! =)
Hey...when are we going for pie? hahahaha
i agree with you cheech, although they are all 3 beautiful, i too prefer a lil meat on the bone bwahahahaha
BF-Caroline is probably 6 feet tall, so her proportions aren't exactly like ours. :(
At least her picture reminds me that, once again, I'm above average! hahaha!
Umm, I think they're all beautiful!
Yeah, I think they are all beautiful...and brave too.
I might have to pull this up tomorrow and see what the coach says...but hey, it is 3 naked women...it should make any man happy. right?
They ALL look like real women to me. We come in all shapes and sizes don't we? Sexy is more to do with personality than looks tho when you think about it.
I have a GREAT personality.
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