LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Oh, yeah!!

Shocked myself again today!

I know I've been a bit wrapped up in my other blog lately, but I figure I should embrace the enthusiasm while I have it, right? 

But, I haven't forgotten about my Bloggy Buddies, I swear.  I still think about things I want to write about during the day, but sadly, my old brain usually forgets about them by the time I sit down to type.

 I took a couple pictures the other day for you guys, though.  Sorry it took a couple days to remember that!

Over the weekend, it was in the high 50s around here.  I veritable heat wave!!  Then, in less than 24 hours time, the temps plummeted.  When I left to go to the gym Monday (or was it Sunday?!) this is what my windshield looked like:

 I thought I had taken a picture of my thermometer, showing that is was 14 degrees that morning.  I had to pull out a hoodie to wear over my T-shirt!
 I leave my water bottle in the car after the gym, so I won't forget it, and the darn thing was frozen solid!!
My brother had Monkey on Saturday.  We were all at Grandma and Grandpa's house, hanging out.  Here's just a random picture of her and Grandma reading a book.  (She's got her favorite boots on!)
Ok, I know this is the lamest post ever.  But, I don't care, I'm still flying high thanks to today's numbers.  Just be happy for me, damn it! =)


Pissedoffteacher said...

Congrats. I am so happy for you.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I am so happy for you. I actually woke up this morning with the intentions of sending you a note saying something like: "You are awesome....and you must be feeling awesome right about now. " Feeling good is the best feeling ever.
Loved the update!!! Keep on keepin' on sister.

jlo said...

So happy and jealous!
It was cold here last week...47 as a high is really cold for us and I thought I would die...14 degrees in a t-shirt and a hoodie? Seriously??