You may remember this from last Sunday. Well, after some last minute glitches, and changes in plans, here are the finished products. (Again, NOT kid-friendly!)
I decided that since I was way behind on time (thanks to having an AWESOME night last night with a house full of my girlfriends, the last of whom left at 1am!) I probably shouldn't attempt another cake. I came up with 2 alternatives.
A) bake a sheet cake to put the original penis cake (which had been lovingly wrapped tight and gently placed in the freezer last Sunday) on or
B) make cupcakes and put some type of penis on top of them.
It occurred to me that I should have asked my friend, who is throwing the party, for her penis molds that her mother and sister used for HER bachelorette party. Too late! But, I assumed I'd be able to find molds at Lover's Lane. There happens to be one about 5 minutes from my house.
Well, without boring you with all the details of my shopping trip, I ended up buying candy because they had no molds.
First, I bought these gummy penises.
I figured they'd be perfect for doing this:Shockingly, there are people in this world who don't like chocolate (the weirdos!!) so I made a few like this, too.
I also found these little cuties at the register. They're like Runts. (Remember those?)I used them for the mini-cupcakes I made.
Here's the finished cake. I think maybe I should have skipped the added stubble, huh?
This hilarious little detail is an homage to my Grammy. But, that's a story for another day.
Well, I'm off to get ready for the shower (which I'm already late for). The bachelorette party is pretty much immediately after the shower. I'm already tired just thinking about how long this night is going to be. I just may have to cut out early, and leave the partying to the youngsters.
A Really Sad Commentary On Customers
57 minutes ago