...the fact that, currently, my weather widget says 63. Ahhhhh....all the windows in the kitchen are open and there's a gentle, cool breeze blowing in....
...that it's been raining, on and off, for about 3 hours now. It's a gentle rain, despite the weather guy saying we were in for a big storm, complete with thunder, lightening and hail...
...that dinner is cooking away in the crock pot. I'm trying something a little different and I hope it's good. I've posted a million times about my favorite Mexican chicken in the crock pot, but today I decided to try it with pork tenderloin instead of chicken. What could be bad about that, right? Shredded pork, corn, black beans, cheese, sour cream, avocado, yum...
...that Stud seems to have transformed over night from a goofy, sometimes annoying, teenager to a responsible young man. A young man who is 3 days into his senior year, and who will be (gasp!!) 18 in less than 2 1/2 months...
...the fresh box of Swedish Fish I bought yesterday. I can't wait to enjoy a few...
...the brand new, and very exciting next chapter in my bloggy buddy,
The Girl Next Door's, life...
...that I'm almost finished composing
The Post, where I fill you all in on what's been going on around here lately...
...my life, at this moment...