Here are the rules:
1. You must link back to the person you received the award from.
1. You must link back to the person you received the award from.
2. You have to nominate 10 bloggers who are deserving of this award!
OK, this is NOT going to be easy, as there are just way too many blogs I read on a regular basis. But, I'll give it the old college try....
1. My dear friend, Smileygirl at Live Happy. She's the reason I started blogging in the first place. She's my cousin's best friend, and I love her to death. If you've never clicked over to her blog, do yourself a favor and check it out. She makes me pee my pants on a weekly basis!
2. My bloggy buddy, Dana, at Miles to Go Before I Sleep. Dana was the first (well, ok, ONLY so far) bloggy friend that I've met in person. I loved her even more once I met her! (I have to put a 2b here, and list her fiance, JD, at Spending Time Under Trees. You should really check out his newest feature, TMI Thursday. Brace yourself...)
3. C over at Midwestern Mama with a New York Heart. Besides her great posts, she puts the most hilarious pictures/buttons/cartoons on the sidebar of her blog. If you're a regular reader, you've seen many that I've "stolen" from her blog.
4. Persnickety Ticker. The first time I ever checked out her blog, I was instantly enamored by her. She was the first person I read who had a potty mouth equal to my own! She's a hoot!
5. Clippy over at Tales from Clippy Mat. She is originally from England, now lives in Canada, and has one of the best senses of humor! Her quick wit keeps me in stitches.
6. JLo over at Almost Famous. She's a fellow educator, so she can sympathize with my Hell-Hole stories. She's also very funny. She has the most adorable little girls. She has a generous heart, too! (She just sent my babies mittens, God bless her!) And she's the reason I found...
7. Jason at The Jason Show. Just go check it out. You won't be sorry!
8. Suz at Day by Day...My Life as a Busy Bee. She tells the funniest stories, about her kids, her dogs, her husband, just life in general. Plus, she's got a KILLER new bathroom that you must check out :)
9. The Girl Next Door at Next Door 2 My Ex. First of all, I was instantly drawn to check out her blog for the Ex Factor (tee hee). I was just in awe of her living situation, and I've been hooked ever since.
10. That Girl. I've just recently discovered her blog, and I LOVE her!! I'm going to vicariously re-live my 20s through her and her blog. Plus, she says 'fuck' almost as much as I do!
I know that's 10, but I have an "honorable mention" for Bon Don at Who Throws a Cupcake? Honestly. I actually was going to list a bunch of honorable mentions, but then I realized I would be listing my entire blog list, and that's just silly! Just look over to the right, it's already there! So, check out all my Bloggy Friends, and their entertaining blogs!
OK, this is NOT going to be easy, as there are just way too many blogs I read on a regular basis. But, I'll give it the old college try....
1. My dear friend, Smileygirl at Live Happy. She's the reason I started blogging in the first place. She's my cousin's best friend, and I love her to death. If you've never clicked over to her blog, do yourself a favor and check it out. She makes me pee my pants on a weekly basis!
2. My bloggy buddy, Dana, at Miles to Go Before I Sleep. Dana was the first (well, ok, ONLY so far) bloggy friend that I've met in person. I loved her even more once I met her! (I have to put a 2b here, and list her fiance, JD, at Spending Time Under Trees. You should really check out his newest feature, TMI Thursday. Brace yourself...)
3. C over at Midwestern Mama with a New York Heart. Besides her great posts, she puts the most hilarious pictures/buttons/cartoons on the sidebar of her blog. If you're a regular reader, you've seen many that I've "stolen" from her blog.
4. Persnickety Ticker. The first time I ever checked out her blog, I was instantly enamored by her. She was the first person I read who had a potty mouth equal to my own! She's a hoot!
5. Clippy over at Tales from Clippy Mat. She is originally from England, now lives in Canada, and has one of the best senses of humor! Her quick wit keeps me in stitches.
6. JLo over at Almost Famous. She's a fellow educator, so she can sympathize with my Hell-Hole stories. She's also very funny. She has the most adorable little girls. She has a generous heart, too! (She just sent my babies mittens, God bless her!) And she's the reason I found...
7. Jason at The Jason Show. Just go check it out. You won't be sorry!
8. Suz at Day by Day...My Life as a Busy Bee. She tells the funniest stories, about her kids, her dogs, her husband, just life in general. Plus, she's got a KILLER new bathroom that you must check out :)
9. The Girl Next Door at Next Door 2 My Ex. First of all, I was instantly drawn to check out her blog for the Ex Factor (tee hee). I was just in awe of her living situation, and I've been hooked ever since.
10. That Girl. I've just recently discovered her blog, and I LOVE her!! I'm going to vicariously re-live my 20s through her and her blog. Plus, she says 'fuck' almost as much as I do!
I know that's 10, but I have an "honorable mention" for Bon Don at Who Throws a Cupcake? Honestly. I actually was going to list a bunch of honorable mentions, but then I realized I would be listing my entire blog list, and that's just silly! Just look over to the right, it's already there! So, check out all my Bloggy Friends, and their entertaining blogs!
Awesome! More blogs to go check out!
(I'm never gonna get my homework done.)
Congrats "Sally"! :-)
of course we like you! :-))
thanks for the blog love.
i was trying to remember how i 'found' you, must have been thru smiley girl and i always wondered what the conneciton was between you two.
now i know.
Awww thanks love. Frank is going to cook us meatballs and home made sauce tonight for super bowl. Nice that he comes here to visit and we put him right to work!
We'll toast to you this evening!
Awww, shucks! Thanks so much. I'll post it proudly!!
Thank you miss Chitown girl :-)
I'll have to get to that post... it's in line with other posts I have coming up... I don't know how I get so backed up!!!
Hope we see each other again soon! (Sept. is a long ways away!)
Well F*UCK yeah! You know D*MN well I have an awful potty mouth and am not afraid to use it! I think I found you through Suz, or GND...anyway, glad I found you and thanks for the shout out!!
Thank you so much! I'm honored to be included in this list, and this award will look fabulous on my sidebar.
chichi my northern sistah! thank you, deary.... i also checked out a few new blogs because of you and liked them. i'll be adding 'em soon. ok, so how does this thing go? i pick up my award and then nominate 10 bloggers...? ok, i can do dat. yes, it twill be tough tho. so many good 'uns. did you see i finally posted a pic of me and the mrs? i'm the fluffy one, of course. isnt the greatest pic but it'll do, donkey, it'll do...
4 now. again, thanks for da love...!
you are just the best. I knew I loved you.......I think Clippy came here...then I found her...I found Jason first....I think I found you through Smiley...I don't know where I found Persnickity..she is a potty mouth though...and I love you both.
Did that make any sense? Oh, no, superbowl party is ALMOST over...I have burns on 4 fingers and I don't know why.
No pictures either. :)
Thanks Chi!!!
I will pass the love..
aww thanks so much! You're comments and advice are always appriciated. You're fucking fabulous :)
chichi, left ya some lovin from the oven on my blog. come and geeeeeeeeet it....
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