I'll take any I can get. CSJ has a job interview in about an hour for a new job. If he gets it, it's likely that the salary will literally be DOUBLE what he's making now. I just may be able to make this unemployed thing a permanent gig. I've got my fingers AND toes crossed. PLEASE send some positive vibes, good thoughts, prayers, whatever you can.
Now, it's not that I'm opposed to working in general, so stop judging! It's just that it would be nice to have that monkey off my back, and to have the breathing room to actually find a job that doesn't just pay the bills, but actually makes me happy. I don't think I'm asking for too much, do you? (and if you do, keep it to yourself!)
You OK, dude?
1 hour ago
Sa-weeett!! YOu got it girl.
I'll pray to St. joseph the worker. He'll hook you up!
Seriously -- will pray for you guys!
I'll be in temple all day tomorrow, and tonight. I will definitely say one for you. Good luck.
Aww, I arrived too late to apply my extensive influence to the universe, and whatever the outcome, it's already outcame. The very best of luck, though. This is almost exactly what happened to us. I was able to double my salary, enabling Bonnie to take her weakened heart and low stress tolerance out of the workplace. Sixteen years later, she's still a happy little house mouse, and I'm just ecstatic to still have a wife! And even if you do have to go back to work, maybe you can find some place that isn't quite so much, how do you say, a toilet! The wise Chinese use the same word for disaster and opportunity, and here is your personal example.
Isn't the new Blogger great? They switched me without asking almost a year ago, and I repaid the favor by moving to Weebly; happy as a clam! Again, disaster and opportunity...
I am falling to my knees as we speak.
Good luck.
We are praying for you and CSJ!!!
No grief on the work thing...working in the inner city is like dog years....you have well earned your rest!
Yes....prayers and good vibes heading his (and your) direction!!!! XOXO
just caught up with your blog now...hope the interview goes well for him
and yes, its perfectly fine to just stay around and find what works FOR YOU.
Prayers, prayers, prayers.
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